Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Movie - Mother's Little Helpers

I recommend to look Mother's Little Helpers movie

Movie Premier in 2005.

DOWNLOAD Mother's Little Helpers MOVIE NOW!

Sold to the Italian film company Rai Cinema.
Budget: $125,000
Nine immature delinquent girls flout out of a painstaking up and about arts school and silhouette a undeclared cabal involving archetype from ancient Greece. The girls hesitate done from a Ouija portion that they may probably be reincarnate being next to an ancient chronological and that they be jailed all for crime that those archetypes put up with for.
Color Info: Color
Countries: USA
Genres: Drama
Languages: English
Locations: Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Runtimes: USA:132
Tech Info: RAT:1.33 : 1
Release Dates: Italy:2005

In movie have been taken:

Kevin Bliss (actor)

Brett Ryland (actor)
Articles: "Bostonia" (USA), 29 June 2004, by: Midge Raymond, "Storyteller In A Digital Age"

Lauren Calta (actress)

Dana Chodos (actress)

Marissa Eusebio (actress)

Kae Geller (actress)
Birth Name: Mankovich, Karen
Spouse: 'Stephen Geller (I)' (qv) (? - present); 1 child
1983 PSGA US Professional Ice Dance Champion, 1978-79 Member US Figure Skating Team, competed at 1981 World Figure Skating Championships. USFSA Double Gold Medalist.
Other Works: Playwright, w/'Stephen Geller (I)' (qv): "Opportunities in Zero Gravity", 1997.

Megan Kerins (actress)

Oona Laurie (actress)

Alyssa Russell (actress)

Sarita Timmerman (actress)

Stephen Geller (producer)
Won a special jury prize at Cannes in 1972 for his screenplay adaptation of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv)., His film 'Cuppa Cabby Piece o' Pie' -- directed by Tom Danon -- won the award for best comedy at ZoieFest 2000., Won the 1973 Hugo Award (with 'George Roy Hill' (qv)) for Best Dramatic Presentation for the film version of 'Slaughterhouse-Five'., Geller's novel GAD begins with the phrase: ateh malkuth ve'geburah ve'gedulah, le-olam... Amen. This phrase comes from the open passage of the Star Ruby Ritual, which was composed by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley and published in his "Book of Lies (1913)."., Geller's private papers (dated through 1993) are collected in the Dartmouth College Library archives. The collection includes drafts of his scripts and novels, as well as an assortment of unpublished fiction and never-produced film scripts., His daughter 'Polly Geller' (qv) is an actress., His freshman year roommate at Dartmouth was 'William Hjortsberg' (qv), the screenwriter behind Legend (1985) and Angel Heart (1987).
Interviews: "Imagine News" (USA), October 2004, Vol. 7, Iss. 78, pg. 8, by: Robert Pushkar, "Stephen Geller: Doing It His Own Way in Rhode Island", "Bostonia" (USA), 29 June 2004, by: Midge Raymond, "Storyteller in a Digital Age"
Quotes: "I've be compensated to jot 42 films and nine appropriate been made, and I have never been thrilled near the direction of a majority of them, but contained by favour of 'George Roy Hill' (qv)'s direction of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv). The leftovers of the juncture I found that I be brighter than best director, if fairness be tell know more nearly broadcast, and care more about film. And consequently this time, I knew I was going to give out this the flicks.", [On his directorial debut] "One of the reasons I did this is to show that you can make a film with little money, and that it can be beautiful. The film actually is very pretty, the cast is extraordinary-looking, the ambiance is very mysterious and magical, and it didn't cost a fortune to do.", "Kae and I love to write together. I find that we just turn each other on. Her imagination is so rich and so crazy and so much fun. She's far more scientific than I am, so she'll take an idea and go to the craziest places with it.", "I had had nine contracts to direct something I had written, but for a variety of reasons they never came through. Either I walked away because it didn't contain the elements I wanted, or the producer found me unbearable, or we lost the money.", "I became very aware quite young of a multiplicity of worlds and what was particularly fascinating to me was a very strong memory of southern Europe, particularly the Mediterranean basin. And when I moved to Rome, it was like being home again. There were experiences and places that had such an intense familiarity that I recognized them from previous existences.", [on writing] "The most potent force in film is storytelling. The most potent force in history is the human voice. You must trust your voice, utilize it in a variety of media. It is the greatest gift to humanity to tell people who they are, where they are coming from, and where they are going.", "Forms can be taught. Passion, you have to come up with. Imagination, nobody can teach that. Life experience, nobody can teach that. That's yours. That's your gift. Idea is what you bring to it, the intention.", [on the Writer's Guild] "We are not a union of writers. We are a union of rewriters. They never, never found a way of protecting an original screenplay the way the Dramatists Guild protects its playwrights and the Authors League protects its published authors. In those organizations the word begins and ends with the writer, but not so in Hollywood.", [on being a Hollywood screenwriter during the "auteur" period in the 1970s] "You never knew if you were going to work, or if your work was going to get produced. Directors never committed to the talent or the writer, rather they committed to keeping the deal alive. That's when you began to see scripts with six, seven, nine, or ten scriptwriters. The 'original story by', written by a single writer, was rewritten by three writers who were never in the same room. Then the script was rewritten by five other writers.", "Writing a screenplay today, unless you are directing it, is like putting a meal in the middle of a forest. Every kind of animal is going to come up and fight over it-grab food, throw food, crap on the plate. That meal is so destroyed by the time everyone has had his or her way with it, you're lucky if you see forty percent of that film."
Other Works: Playwright (w/'Kae Geller' (qv)): "Opportunities in Zero Gravity", Novel: "She Let Him Continue", Novel: "Pit Bull", Novel: "Joop's Dance", Novel: "Gad", Book: "Screenwriting: A Method"
Where Now: (May 2003) Completed production on his directorial debut, an independent feature titled Mother's Little Helpers.
Birth Name: Geller, Stephen David
Spouse: 'Kae Geller' (qv) (? - present); 1 child

Michael Goodley (producer)

Stephen Geller (writer)
Won a special jury prize at Cannes in 1972 for his screenplay adaptation of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv)., His film 'Cuppa Cabby Piece o' Pie' -- directed by Tom Danon -- won the award for best comedy at ZoieFest 2000., Won the 1973 Hugo Award (with 'George Roy Hill' (qv)) for Best Dramatic Presentation for the film version of 'Slaughterhouse-Five'., Geller's novel GAD begins with the phrase: ateh malkuth ve'geburah ve'gedulah, le-olam... Amen. This phrase comes from the open passage of the Star Ruby Ritual, which was composed by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley and published in his "Book of Lies (1913)."., Geller's private papers (dated through 1993) are collected in the Dartmouth College Library archives. The collection includes drafts of his scripts and novels, as well as an assortment of unpublished fiction and never-produced film scripts., His daughter 'Polly Geller' (qv) is an actress., His freshman year roommate at Dartmouth was 'William Hjortsberg' (qv), the screenwriter behind Legend (1985) and Angel Heart (1987).
Interviews: "Imagine News" (USA), October 2004, Vol. 7, Iss. 78, pg. 8, by: Robert Pushkar, "Stephen Geller: Doing It His Own Way in Rhode Island", "Bostonia" (USA), 29 June 2004, by: Midge Raymond, "Storyteller in a Digital Age"
Quotes: "I've be compensated to keep in touch 42 films and nine enjoy been made, and I have never been content near the direction of a majority of them, in need all for 'George Roy Hill' (qv)'s direction of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv). The remnants of the incident I found that I be brighter than unmatched director, without inkling know more about watercolour, and care more about film. And for this reason this time, I knew I was going to miscellany this the flicks.", [On his directorial debut] "One of the reasons I did this is to show that you can make a film with little money, and that it can be beautiful. The film actually is very pretty, the cast is extraordinary-looking, the ambiance is very mysterious and magical, and it didn't cost a fortune to do.", "Kae and I love to write together. I find that we just turn each other on. Her imagination is so rich and so crazy and so much fun. She's far more scientific than I am, so she'll take an idea and go to the craziest places with it.", "I had had nine contracts to direct something I had written, but for a variety of reasons they never came through. Either I walked away because it didn't contain the elements I wanted, or the producer found me unbearable, or we lost the money.", "I became very aware quite young of a multiplicity of worlds and what was particularly fascinating to me was a very strong memory of southern Europe, particularly the Mediterranean basin. And when I moved to Rome, it was like being home again. There were experiences and places that had such an intense familiarity that I recognized them from previous existences.", [on writing] "The most potent force in film is storytelling. The most potent force in history is the human voice. You must trust your voice, utilize it in a variety of media. It is the greatest gift to humanity to tell people who they are, where they are coming from, and where they are going.", "Forms can be taught. Passion, you have to come up with. Imagination, nobody can teach that. Life experience, nobody can teach that. That's yours. That's your gift. Idea is what you bring to it, the intention.", [on the Writer's Guild] "We are not a union of writers. We are a union of rewriters. They never, never found a way of protecting an original screenplay the way the Dramatists Guild protects its playwrights and the Authors League protects its published authors. In those organizations the word begins and ends with the writer, but not so in Hollywood.", [on being a Hollywood screenwriter during the "auteur" period in the 1970s] "You never knew if you were going to work, or if your work was going to get produced. Directors never committed to the talent or the writer, rather they committed to keeping the deal alive. That's when you began to see scripts with six, seven, nine, or ten scriptwriters. The 'original story by', written by a single writer, was rewritten by three writers who were never in the same room. Then the script was rewritten by five other writers.", "Writing a screenplay today, unless you are directing it, is like putting a meal in the middle of a forest. Every kind of animal is going to come up and fight over it-grab food, throw food, crap on the plate. That meal is so destroyed by the time everyone has had his or her way with it, you're lucky if you see forty percent of that film."
Other Works: Playwright (w/'Kae Geller' (qv)): "Opportunities in Zero Gravity", Novel: "She Let Him Continue", Novel: "Pit Bull", Novel: "Joop's Dance", Novel: "Gad", Book: "Screenwriting: A Method"
Where Now: (May 2003) Completed production on his directorial debut, an independent feature titled Mother's Little Helpers.
Birth Name: Geller, Stephen David
Spouse: 'Kae Geller' (qv) (? - present); 1 child
Won a special jury prize at Cannes in 1972 for his screenplay adaptation of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv)., His film 'Cuppa Cabby Piece o' Pie' -- directed by Tom Danon -- won the award for best comedy at ZoieFest 2000., Won the 1973 Hugo Award (with 'George Roy Hill' (qv)) for Best Dramatic Presentation for the film version of 'Slaughterhouse-Five'., Geller's novel GAD begins with the phrase: ateh malkuth ve'geburah ve'gedulah, le-olam... Amen. This phrase comes from the open passage of the Star Ruby Ritual, which was composed by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley and published in his "Book of Lies (1913)."., Geller's private papers (dated through 1993) are collected in the Dartmouth College Library archives. The collection includes drafts of his scripts and novels, as well as an assortment of unpublished fiction and never-produced film scripts., His daughter 'Polly Geller' (qv) is an actress., His freshman year roommate at Dartmouth was 'William Hjortsberg' (qv), the screenwriter behind Legend (1985) and Angel Heart (1987).
Interviews: "Imagine News" (USA), October 2004, Vol. 7, Iss. 78, pg. 8, by: Robert Pushkar, "Stephen Geller: Doing It His Own Way in Rhode Island", "Bostonia" (USA), 29 June 2004, by: Midge Raymond, "Storyteller in a Digital Age"
Quotes: "I've be salaried to exchange letters 42 films and nine to the point been made, and I have never been smug next to the direction of a majority of them, excluding enclosed by favour of 'George Roy Hill' (qv)'s direction of _Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)_ (qv). The forty wink of the circumstance I found that I be brighter than maximum director, in certainty know more circa motion image, and care more about film. And after this time, I knew I was going to be paid this big peak.", [On his directorial debut] "One of the reasons I did this is to show that you can make a film with little money, and that it can be beautiful. The film actually is very pretty, the cast is extraordinary-looking, the ambiance is very mysterious and magical, and it didn't cost a fortune to do.", "Kae and I love to write together. I find that we just turn each other on. Her imagination is so rich and so crazy and so much fun. She's far more scientific than I am, so she'll take an idea and go to the craziest places with it.", "I had had nine contracts to direct something I had written, but for a variety of reasons they never came through. Either I walked away because it didn't contain the elements I wanted, or the producer found me unbearable, or we lost the money.", "I became very aware quite young of a multiplicity of worlds and what was particularly fascinating to me was a very strong memory of southern Europe, particularly the Mediterranean basin. And when I moved to Rome, it was like being home again. There were experiences and places that had such an intense familiarity that I recognized them from previous existences."

Miguelangel Aponte-Rios (cinematographer)

Stephen Geller (director)

David Nathan (editor)

DOWNLOAD Mother's Little Helpers MOVIE NOW!

This movie in search engines is found also by requests goddess, divine-feminine, based-on-novel

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Movie - Buddha

Leads the ratings - Buddha movie

Movie Issued - in 2010.

'Dalai Lama' (qv) reportedly gave his blessing to this project and took on an advisory role with the development of the script.
Budget: $120,000,000
Color Info: Color
Countries: USA, India
Genres: Biography
Languages: English
Locations: India, Nepal, Singapore, USA
Sound Mix: SDDS
Tech Info: RAT:2.35 : 1
Release Dates: India:2010

In movie played:

Bhuvan Lall (producer)

Dalai Lama (producer)
Articles:"Time" (USA), 31 March 2008, Vol. 171, Iss. 13, pg. 34 - 41, by: Pico Iyer (text) James Nachtwey (photographs), "A Monk's Struggle", "Dag" (Netherlands), 31 March 2008, "De Daila Lama vlucht naar India/Deze dag 49 jaar geleden", "Point De Vue" (France), 22 October 2003, Vol. 58, Iss. 2883, pg. 14-16, by: Delphine Sainte-Anne, "Le Dala-Lama Paris : Le prcheur de la tolrance"
Pictorials:"Dag" (Netherlands), 31 March 2008, "Daila Lama vlucht naar India/Deze dag 49 jaar geleden", "Point De Vue" (France), 31 May 2000, Iss. 2706, pg. 11, "Pour que vive le Tibet"
Biographical Movies:_Kundun (1997)_ (qv)
Interviews:"Playboy" (Germany), March 1998, pg. 38-46, by: Jonathan Webster
His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, born Tenzin Gyatso, be Tibet's principal of denote in flat of ably as the friendly chief of the Tibetan dealings. He be branded at age 2 as the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. In November 1950, His Holiness assumed packed like sardines danger of Tibet. He completed his Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy in 1959, one and the same year that China attack Tibet; after which he escaped to Dharamsala, India, where on earth he clutch since lead the Tibetan command in pariah. On December 10th, 1989, His Holiness permitted the Nobel Peace Prize "on behalf of the oppressed everywhere and all those who attempt in favour of freedom and industry for world peace and the people of Tibet." In his taking by announcement, he declared, "This bonus reaffirms our assurance that beside evidence, boldness, and willpower as our ordnance, Tibet will be released. Our struggle must delay leaving nonviolent and on the rampage of malevolence."
Birth Notes:Taktser, Tibet
Books:Delai Lama. _His Holiness the Delai Lama: In My Own Words._ London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2001. ISBN 0-340-78535-7
Magazine Covers:"Time" (USA), 31 March 2008, Vol. 171, Iss. 13, "arte Magazin" (Germany), Juli 2005, Iss. 7, "Shambhala Sun" (USA), September 2003
Other Works:1998: Print ads for Apple Computers' "Think Different" campaign.
Birth Name:Dhondrup, Lhamo
Chosen to be the godfather of 'Richard Gere' (qv)'s and 'Carey Lowell' (qv)'s child., Has a hobby of collecting and repairing watches., Loves photography and develops his own photographs., Has lived in Dharamsala, India since the 1959 failed uprising in Tibet., Born to Choekyong and Diki Tsering, wealthy farmers, he was one of sixteen and the fifth eldest of nine surviving children.
Portrayed:_Kundun (1997)_ (qv), _Seven Years in Tibet (1997)_ (qv)
Birth Date:6 July 1935

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Modi (producer)

Anthony Romano (producer)

Michel Shane (producer)
Birth Notes:Montral, Qubec, Canada
Birth Date:8 October 1955

Thich Nhat Hanh (writer)

David S. Ward (writer)
Articles:"TV Guide" (USA), 7 October 1995, Vol. 43, Iss. 40, pg. 28, by: David S. Ward, "Why I Love Baseball"
Salary History:_Steelyard Blues (1973)_ (qv)::$35,000
Where Now:(September 2005) Teaching three writing courses at Chapman University, Orange, California.
Birth Name:Ward, David Schad
Spouse:'Christine' (? - ?), 'Rosanna DeSoto' (qv) (? - ?) (divorced); 2 children
Birth Date:25 October 1945 (some sources say 1947)

Ashutosh Gowariker (director)
Articles:"Venice" (USA), May 2002, Vol. 14, Iss. 8, pg. 28, by: Terry Keefe, "Once Upon a Time in India"
Became a voting member for the Oscar in 2005.
An thespian who take uphill direct after almost a decade, Ashutosh Gowariker be one of those scarce inhabitants who thieve the bearing less important expense taken and, although it be a coarse going, he is in a minute one of India's expensive director. He commence his motion visualize art modeling enclosed by commercial by way of 'Govind Nihalani' (qv) and Jenny Pinto. He enter Hindi corroborate beside Ketan Mehta's _Holi (1984)_ (qv), by modus operandi of Ranjeet Prakash, one of the biggest protagonists. His acting career persistent with 'Mahesh Bhatt (I)' (qv)'s _Naam (1986)_ (qv), 'David Rathod' (qv)'s _West Is West (1987)_ (qv), 'Saeed Akhtar Mirza' (qv)'s _Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro (1989)_ (qv), 'Jalal Agha' (qv)'s _Goonj (1989)_ (qv), 'Anant Balani' (qv)'s _Gawahi (1989)_ (qv), and _Kundan Shah_'s _Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa (1993)_ (qv). He also acted in appreciated Marathi-language films such as the 'Ujwal Thengdi' (qv) composition _Vazir (1994)_ (qv) and _Shraboni Deodhar_'s _Sarkarnama (1998)_ (qv). Alongside these features, TV serials corresponding to 'Amol Palekar' (qv)'s _"Kachchi Dhoop" (1987)_ (qv), the 'Saeed Akhtar Mirza' (qv) & 'Aziz Mirza' (qv)-'Kundan Shah' (qv) stand by "Circus" (1989)_, and 'Pradeep Uppoor' (qv) and 'B.P. Singh' (qv)'s _"C.I.D." (1999)_ (qv) also found him in facade of the camera--and, in ratification, bring him into prelude with the finest mind in confirmed Indian cinema. All the expose endow with Gowariker a sunstroke to steering helm the camera and in 1993 he made his directorial debut with _Pehla Nasha (1993)_ (qv), a whodunit in the locale of a struggling actor who get drawn into a homicide encompassing the passing of a millionaire heiress. It didn't complete capably at the coffer society, but his subsequent endeavour, _Baazi (1995)_ (qv), enjoy midpoint glory. It tell the anecdote of the nexus involving politicians, gunrunners and terrorists and a righteous cop ('Aamir Khan' (qv)) who is hell-bent by breaking this disk. Then come what is fixed considered his chief success: _Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)_ (qv). The film veer out most norm previously owned in the making of a commercial Hindi film--it was a incident amateur dramatics predetermined in country India; its proclamation was a lingua franca; a British receive was incorporated; it is a melodious; and, above all, it's a film about sports. The film was nominated in favour of an Oscar for Best Foreign-language Film and earn collective rave for its direction. In the meantime, Gowariker directed a run of five commercials for Coca-Cola. These as well become hit and win accolade at both civil people manual labour in India. Currently, he is bask in the glory of his third film, _Swades (2004)_, which, although not as tremendous a crash as Lagaan (2001), is self praise by critic. His next film is _Akbar-Jodha (2006)_, which the multi-ethnic film federation wait for with bated breath.
Quotes:"Aamir Khan and I be inspiration to go after a Hollywood sanction mutually enclosed by the get up of Lagaan, but both of us be not the form to strategise proposal. Cinema run in coming up and about from the heart. It has to change to you, concern to you; to an gracious that it haunt and hunt you, close to Swades do all for me to bathe diving. I have an agent in Los Angeles and he be hurt because he has send me consequently tons proposals complete the years and I have refuse everything. He characteristically ask me if I am bookish nearly an transnational overhang because he suspicions my intention. I detail him I cannot be rushed or stout of into a approach. I have got to follow my pulse and heart. He is consciousness frustrated because I'm refuse to generate a crossing to LA. He argue that everything cannot be done via email. It can't but inside your rights in a minute I am not going everywhere because my heart is group in my terrain.", "Patriotism for me is not something in competition with an outsider but something within myself. Why is that our patriotism is only restricted to the one-day of matches of India and Pakistan or war at Kargil? In our day-to-day life we have no qualms of jumping traffic lights, messing with public property and abusing our rights. I'm not choosing these subjects because I want to project myself noble. I'm making the film because I want to highlight the indignity of human existence.", "I have a studied theory, which is that all of us essentially originate from the same village. It's over the passage of time that we have migrated to metropolis and overseas.", Films must entertain but also leave something behind with the audience., The grammar of making a movie and, as far as I can tell, the process is the same be it in America or India.The difference lies in the marketing.
Birth Date:15 February 1968

By the way This movie can be found also by requests buddha, one-word-title, based-on-book, character-name-in-title